The Largest Mural in the U.S. is Complete
The Glass City River Wall Brightens the City of Toledo

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Tnemec Company, Inc. and Urban Sight, Inc. today announced the completion of the largest mural in the United States, known as the Glass City River Wall in Toledo, Ohio. The mural, spearheaded by Urban Sight, Inc., a community art non-profit organization, is located at the ADM grain silo facility along the east bank of the Maumee River.
The project encompasses 28 silos spanning 170,000 square feet and required more than 3,500 gallons of paint from Tnemec, a leading manufacturer of high-performance protective coatings and linings. The mural was created by Los Angeles artist, Gabe Gault, known for his portraits and backgrounds using camouflage patterns. Gault completed the mural with the help of a crew of local artists and renowned mural artist, Eric Henn.
“The project was started by a group of friends dedicated to creating a warm welcome and message of hope and positivity for the community of Toledo and its visitors,” said Christina Kasper, president of Urban Sight Inc. and project manager for the Glass City River Wall. “The sunflowers in the mural represent hope, faith, and good fortune, while the Native American images pay homage to the original farmers of this land and a nod to our past, present, and future.”
The massive mural, visible from Interstate-75, the Maumee River, and downtown Toledo, incorporates sunflowers and three portraits portraying a Native American elder, mother, and child – a salutation to the indigenous people of the area. The models used for these images are from three different Tribes – The Miami Tribe of Oklahoma, The Shawnee Tribe, and the Dakotah Tribe. Living models were used to reinforce the fact that Native Americans are not people of the past but exist in vibrant communities today.
“The project has generously been funded through a mix of private and public funding,” said Kasper. “To date, nearly $1.2 million dollars has been raised from corporate sponsors and the public fundraising initiative. All told, we’ve had more than 800 donors. The support from the community has been integral in completing this project.”
Perhaps equally as important to the project as the funding is the paint – all 3,500 gallons of it. The project was completed with Series 156 Enviro-Crete, a flexible, breathable acrylate coating for concrete, and Series 1026 Enduratone, a versatile and durable water-based acrylic coating, in a wide variety of colors. Both products have been used to protect and add beauty to other large murals throughout North America.
"Tnemec is so fortunate to be involved with this project," noted Chase Bean, President, and CEO of Tnemec Company. "We are grateful for the community spirit and energetic efforts from so many people dedicated to transforming this structure into a beautiful work of art."
Another key component of the project included education and community outreach to expand upon the mural and create a coinciding curriculum. The supporting materials are accessible, interactive, and multidisciplinary, allowing students of all ages the opportunity to explore and celebrate the history of Toledo and recognize the value of telling their own stories at no cost. The mural will serve as a reminder of this lesson for years to come.
To learn more about the Glass City River Wall, visit
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