City Cruises Seadog

When one of City Cruises’ iconic entertainment vessels, the Seadog, needed a refresh, they turned to Tnemec for a solution that would not only withstand the rigors of daily operation but also provide a long-lasting mirror-like finish that would dazzle passengers. This project, involving Series 1070 Fluoronar in an overcoat application, showcased the expertise and innovation that Tnemec brings to the world of marine coatings.

The Seadog, a vessel known for its high visibility with its vibrant paint colors, serves as a prominent attraction at Navy Pier. To maintain its impressive appearance, the Seadog vessels undertake regular repainting every few years. In the paint world, bright reds and yellows are some of the most difficult colors to maintain for the long term, as they will typically start to fade and lose gloss rapidly due to UV degradation. However, with the impressive long-term performance from Series 1070, City Cruises expects to keep those bright colors vibrant throughout the entire lifespan between painting intervals, and possibly even expand the painting intervals, which would be a significant savings for their bottom line.

City Cruises had a clear vision for the Seadog’s appearance – a smooth, flawless finish was paramount. This requirement presented a unique challenge, as the use of an epoxy tie coat was not feasible due to the potential for added texture. Therefore, Tnemec’s 1070 was chosen as the direct overcoat solution to meet these specifications.

Steven Taylor of Taylor Consultants, as well as Tnemec’s in-house technical service department, was a pivotal presence during the application process. They worked closely with City Cruises, providing on-site expertise to ensure that the applicators could dial in the application equipment and achieve the precise results the customer desired. This hands-on collaboration was instrumental in delivering the impeccable mirror-like finish that City Cruises envisioned.

Tnemec’s Series 1070 proved to be the ideal choice, meeting both the need for a smooth appearance and the demand for a high-performance coating system. The boat now boasts a refreshed, vibrant look that ensures it stands out as a centerpiece attraction at Navy Pier for many years.

This project exemplifies Tnemec’s commitment to excellence and its ability to deliver outstanding results in even the most demanding environments. City Cruises and its passengers can look forward to years of enjoyment aboard their revitalized vessel, a true testament to the enduring quality of Tnemec’s marine coatings.

    Project Information

    Chicago, IL

    February 28, 2023

    City Cruises – Chicago, IL

    City Cruises – Chicago, IL

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    City Cruises Seadog

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